SWA offers new sustainability webinar to help members
Working towards a more environmentally sustainable future, the Scottish Wholesale Association has announced new collaborations with specialists The Algorithm People and Auditel and is hosting a webinar to help members cut costs and reduce carbon emissions
The webinar, ‘Counting Carbon, Saving Cost and Driving Efficiencies’ is being held from 1–2pm on 31 August and members – wholesale and suppliers – can register for free.
“The aim of the webinar is to help members not just to navigate their journey towards net zero, but to fund it through our cost savings and procurement solutions from within the business,” said Colin Smith, SWA Chief Executive.
The Algorithm People specialises in route optimisation, fleet scheduling and electric vehicle optimisation. Under the new partnership with SWA, all members can benefit from a discounted rate to access the My Transport Planner fleet optimisation platform which uses algorithms to route and schedule vehicle deliveries and collections, maximising operational efficiency.
“Our association is committed to supporting our members on their journey to a more environmentally sustainable future so we are delighted to be collaborating with The Algorithm People, giving our membership the opportunity to access the range of optimisation tools which will help them to reduce cost, fuel and CO2,” said Smith.
SWA members can also work with leading carbon and cost management company Auditel. Supported by more than 100 procurement and carbon specialists from a broad range of professions and industries, Auditel offers extensive knowledge and expertise in procurement and carbon management.
“Auditel is already working with SWA members and during the webinar they will demonstrate success stories on how they have helped organisations to cut carbon, save costs and driver greater efficiencies across several areas of their business,” said Smith.
You can register for the free webinar here.
Colin Smith Environment sustainability SWA webinar