Former Today‘s Group director passes away
Unitas Wholesale has announced that John Schofield sadly passed away earlier this week
John was formerly the acting Managing Director and Finance Director of the Today’s Group and was integral in the merger with Landmark Wholesale to form Unitas Wholesale.
Prior to this John was the Finance Director at Nisa-Today’s and left as part of the demerger to create the Today’s Group.
John retired following the formation of Unitas. He developed a brain tumour and died this week following an illness.
John Kinney, Managing Director of Unitas Wholesale, said: “I have tremendous respect for John, he was not only an excellent finance director but also a genuinely true gentleman and friend. I have very fond memories of my time working with John. He was instrumental in the formation of both the Today’s Group and also Unitas. John will be sadly missed and my deepest condolences go to Dawn and family.”
Funeral arrangements have not been announced and any update will be placed on the Unitas website.
John Kinney John Schofield Landmark Wholesale Today's Group Unitas Wholesale