New issue out now: Wholesale News 2405
After some of the most challenging years ever experienced in UK business, unsurprisingly, wholesalers across the UK have a range of requests for support from the new government, which you can read here in issue 2405.
From concerns around impossible-to-implement policies and rising wages to a request for financial support to invest and grow, wholesalers are looking for answers and clarity on a variety of issues that will all have implications for how they do business.
Thankfully, the sector has FWD to lobby hard on our behalf and amplify our voices so they are heard in Westminster and beyond. FWD’s representation makes an extraordinary difference again and again, so keep an eye out for updates and briefings during the lead up to, and after, the election.
This issue is packed with insight, advice and expertise from across the sector. On page 9, you can read the lessons Swizzels’ Ben Cooper lives and works by, while new FWD supplier The Canine Menu explains how its dog-friendly revolution is taking hospitality by storm. On pages 15-20 you can read about the latest trends in beers, wines and ciders ahead of this year’s summer of sport so you can support your customers with a refreshed range that will score great results.
Happy reading!
Stephenie Shaw, Editor-in-Chief
Wholesale News