Success for GroceryAid charity ball
More than 170 companies were in attendance to raise much-needed funds
Wholesalers, retailers and manufacturers teamed together to raise a huge £580k at the GroceryAid Ball, which will provide more than 775 crisis grants for working colleagues in the coming months.
With funds raised at the ball, GroceryAid will assist over 15,000 of its grocery colleagues financially or through its Helpline in 2019.
“As we enter another challenging year for the industry we need to grow the funds we raise and ensure the industry is with us on this journey,” said Steve Barnes, Chief Executive of Grocery Aid.
“Tonight the range of companies attending shows that support for GroceryAid has never been broader and the grocery trade is united to help colleagues past and present who find themselves in difficulty.”
This comes on the back of huge support across the grocery industry for GroceryAid’s first ever awareness day, which took place last month.
The day was devised to make more colleagues aware of the free support GroceryAid offers to all employees within the grocery sector – whether it’s advice for financial, mental health or legal issues.
The array of activities, including in-house meetings, distributed materials and sharing #GroceryAidDay on social media, with the next GroceryAid Awareness Day taking place 3 March 2020.
charity event GroceryAid GroceryAid Ball