Safety the priority for JW Filshill during pandemic
It’s safety first and foremost for JW Filshill as the wholesaler introduces a range of hygiene measures to all KeyStore outlets across Scotland and the north of England.
With the safety and wellbeing of staff and customers in mind at KeyStore More and KeyStore outlets during the coronavirus outbreak, the wholesaler has provided Perspex sneeze screens at tills and social distancing floor vinyls.
To further reassure staff and the increasing number of shoppers shopping locally, hand sanitiser is being made available for customers to use when they enter and exit KeyStore outlets.
Craig Brown, Retail Sales Director at JW Filshill, said: “The safety, health and wellbeing of all our staff and customers is paramount and we have been working with retailers to ensure that they receive the correct advice on current social distancing measures and other ways to stay safe in accordance with official government guidelines.
“In addition to installing screens and floor vinyls, our advice to retailers is to carry out regular cleaning of counters, baskets, shelves, door handles and floors – posters are also available for retailers to display in-store, reminding customers that they should observe the two-metre social distancing rule.
“We strongly believe that providing hygiene confidence to shoppers and colleagues will protect the communities that we collectively support and serve.”
Bespoke social media posts and videos for retailers to use on their own Facebook pages have also been provided. “Our retail customers have found themselves very much on the front line of the Covid-19 pandemic,” added Brown. “With staff quite rightly classed as key workers, at Filshill we’re doing everything we can to help them deal with the additional challenges they are faced with on a daily basis.”
Many KeyStore and KeyStore More outlets are offering a free delivery service for regular vulnerable and elderly customers and those advised to stay indoors while others have extended their existing delivery service.
Brown added: “It’s heartening to see our customers go the extra mile to help their local communities and many have experienced an influx of new customers choosing to shop locally – not just because it’s convenient and they feel safer but because the convenience store on their doorstep is well stocked with all the essentials and more.
“We continue to work closely with our suppliers to ensure a consistent flow of availability for customers across the KeyStore estate, delivered customers, key accounts and through our Click & Collect facility at the depot in Hillington.”
Filshill has been very active during the crisis and devised an availability plan in March to deal with high demand.
coronavirus covid-19 Craig Brown JW Filshill retail wholesaler