Virtual business development days the future for Country Range
Two more Virtual Business Development Days have been added to the Country Range Group calendar for 2021.
The dates – on 3 and 4 February – will follow up from successful online events in September and October when members and suppliers enjoyed the opportunity to get together despite Covid restrictions.
The events, which are run in a speed-networking format, will be an additional activity alongside Country Range’s annual programme.
“Our industry is based upon relationships and in spite of the recent restrictions, it’s vital our member wholesalers and key suppliers have still been able to meet ‘face-to-face’ during a tough time for us all within foodservice,” said Country Range Group Managing Director Coral Rose.
“These Virtual Business Development Days have been a huge success with fantastic feedback from our members and suppliers so we’re excited to be rolling them out in 2021.”
To provide something extra to bring the event to life, suppliers are also able to send samples in advance to do tastings and aid their pitch, discuss performance and marketing opportunities.
“This year has shown us the importance of adaptability and communication to a business’s success so it’s been vital that as a group we’ve continued to be dynamic in opening up new communication channels to enable our members to plan, support, advise and offer opportunities to our valued suppliers,” Rose added.
“These Virtual Business Development Days along with our Stir It Up magazine and additional caterer support tools, which have been published throughout the pandemic, have been central to our communication strategy and will further strengthen our group and the recovery in 2021.”
Coral Rose coronavirus Country Range Group covid-19