Three new members join National Buying Consortium
A trio of new wholesale members have signed on the dotted line to join the National Buying Consortium (NBC).
The fledgling buying group that is entering its third calendar year of business has added Berkshire Beverages, Blue Banana and Ever Fresh Dairy to its ranks.
The Chipping Norton-based business also recently announced a change in its management team, with Jason Langmead being named as the group’s new chairman.
Managing Director David Lunt is delighted to see the business growing its numbers thanks to what he says is its “unique” appeal.
“It’s great to see the level of interest in our group that has converted into membership so soon in the year,” said Lunt.
“We truly believe that our buying group is unique and that if you want to take control of your future, membership through shareholding of NBC is the way to go.
“This brings the membership to 40 since we first started in 2019, representing well over £400 million of turnover and serving retail, catering, government, and hospitality sectors.”
The three new members are all based in south England, with drinks specialist Berkshire Beverage in Reading, confectionery, snacks and soft drinks wholesaler Blue Banana in London, and Ever Fresh Dairy (which trades as 7 Stars cash and carry) a foodservice business Croydon.
Blue Banana owner Ramesh Varsani said: “It was a big decision to leave my previous buying group and it was only made possible with my many discussions and visits to the team at Chipping Norton.
“I believe that the fundamental principle of membership through shareholding ensures that my business interests are always front and centre.
“I am looking forward to working in partnership with the suppliers that NBC work with and using the business tools that I can tailor to my business.”
Berkshire Beverages Blue Banana David Lunt Ever Fresh Dairy Jason Langmead National Buying Consortium NBC