Wholesaler T.Quality helps men’s mental health

Wholesaler T.Quality has teamed up with a men’s suicide prevention charity to increase awareness of mental health issues among men

The wholesaler has placed ANDYSMANCLUB stickers and ‘It’s okay to talk’ messages on its fleet of cars, vans and lorries, as well as sharing information from the charity on trade counters, digital boards and the T.Quality website. The charity will also benefit from fundraising activity carried in at each of T.Quality’s 12 depots.

“Our industry, along with many other sectors, is experiencing a period of uncertainty right now and being able to talk to somebody is crucial for maintaining a healthy mental state for our colleagues and customers alike,” said Sean Savage, Director of Sales and Marketing at T.Quality.

“Spreading the word about the work that the ANDYSMANCLUB is doing is a fantastic way to provide a forum for people to open up and engage. Whether this is with a colleague, a partner, a family member, or attending an ANDYSMANCLUB meeting.

“Every day, huge numbers of people will be following a T.Quality vehicle on roads throughout the UK and take in the message #ITSOKAYTOTALK.”

ANDYSMANCLUB representative Lucas Whitehead said: “We are a donation-led charity so any money raised is vital in ensuring that we can keep our 110+ groups open across the UK, look to expand into new areas and, in turn, move a step closer to fulfilling our aim of any man being within half an hour’s travel of an ANDYSMANCLUB face-to-face session.”

ANDYSMANCLUB takes its name from Andrew Roberts who took his own life aged 23 in 2016. Learning that suicide is the highest killer of men under 50, his family created ANDYSMANCLUB, a group where men can speak openly about their mental health in a judgment-free, non-clinical environment. Groups now operate nationwide and are completely volunteer-led. The service is now used on a weekly basis by more than 1,700 men.

charity mental health T.Quality