Confex celebrates strong half year
Cotswold-based buying group Confex has announced strong results for the first half of 2023
In addition to welcoming seven new members, Confex has seen sales growth of 32.47% value and 23.84% volume.
The buying group’s new members: Lakeland Dairies, Pennine Distribution, Adams Foodservice, Roys, DMG Wholesale, Ferrante Foodservice and Magna Foodservice, have added significant geographical reach and diversity to the group.
“Despite the current economic climate, Confex has had a great start to 2023, which has been driven by not only our members’ resilience but because of their ability to embrace technology and diversify in line with the market,” said Jess Douglas, Director, Confex.
“We are proud of our forward-thinking members who service the breath of the UK and who sign up to our ‘collaborative’ group ethos. Alongside a great, supportive and experienced head office team, our members are fully utilising the group’s services to their competitive advantage.”
buying group Confex Jess Douglas