Three ways for leaders to drive change

Fairway Foodservice MD Coral Rose shares her top tips on how leaders can drive change while taking people with them on the journey


Leaders that demonstrate respect towards others set the tone for the entire organisation. Encouraging a culture of respect not only builds trust and promotes inclusivity, it also stimulates collaboration which fuels collective efforts.


  • Active listening – Whoever you talk to in the business, give them your full attention. Avoid interrupting and show understanding by paraphrasing or asking clarifying questions.
  • Punctuality – Always arrive on time for meetings and work commitments. Punctuality shows that you value others’ time and are committed to your responsibilities.
  • Acknowledge contributions – Recognise and appreciate the contributions of your colleagues, regardless of their position in the business – remember, bosses like a pat on the back too! Offer praise and recognition for their hard work and achievements, both publicly and privately.
  • Constructive feedback – Provide feedback in a constructive and respectful manner. Focus on the behaviour and performance, not the person.
  • Never make assumptions – Your experience is valuable, although this doesn’t necessarily mean you know more or less than who you are talking to. Don’t assume you know more than someone less experienced. Everyone has a different perspective, so listen. Be respectful to your seniors. Ask questions, don’t assume they are right but acknowledge their experience.
  • Choose the right time to speak – Identify where your contribution adds value.


Expressing curiosity at work is crucial for driving change because it fuels innovation, promotes continuous learning and encourages the exploration of new ideas and possibilities. Being curious means you’re always willing to learn.


  • Ask questions – When you encounter something new or unfamiliar, don’t hesitate to ask questions. This shows that you’re eager to learn and want to understand more about your role, projects or the company. Take the time to understand what everyone does and this will help them to fully understand their roles too.
  • Experiment and innovate – Don’t be afraid to try new approaches to tackle issues. Experimenting with different methods can lead to innovative solutions and improvements in processes or outcomes.
  • Collaborate – Work with colleagues from different departments or teams to gain insights from their perspectives and expertise. This interdisciplinary approach will often spark new ideas and boost creativity.
  • Stay curious about the outside – Keep yourself informed about the latest developments and trends in your industry. Follow industry news and trends, read the trade press, attend webinars, join relevant professional groups or forums, and participate in discussions to broaden your knowledge, and then share your learnings with your team.
  • Reflect on experience – Take time to reflect on your successes and failures. Consider what you’ve learned from each experience and how you can apply those lessons to future projects or challenges.
  •  Keep your mind open – Approach new ideas, perspectives and feedback with an open mind. Being open to alternative viewpoints can lead to deeper insight and more effective collaboration.


Bravery is essential for driving change and leaving a lasting legacy because it empowers individuals to confront fear, challenge the status quo, overcome adversity, take initiative, inspire others, and embrace vulnerability. Without bravery, opportunities for progress may be missed.


  • Be prepared – This helps you to be braver, better.
  • Speak up – Share your ideas or concerns during meetings, even if they differ from the majority. Voice your thoughts constructively and respectfully – but pick the right time.
  • Advocate for change – If you see a problem that needs addressing or how to make an improvement, speak up. Whether it’s a new process or raising awareness about an issue, bravery involves taking action to drive positive change. If someone disagrees, be curious, not defensive.
  • Own your mistakes – When you make a mistake, take ownership, learn and make necessary corrections. Avoid excuses and use setbacks as opportunities for growth.
  • Seek feedback – Be brave enough to accept it with an open mind. View feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve.
  • Take on new challenges – Volunteer for tasks that require you to learn new skills or take on more responsibility. Embrace opportunities for development, even if they feel intimidating.
  • Support others – Offer mentorship, allyship or a listening ear to those who need it. Be an advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Negotiate for what you deserve – Prepare your case, articulate your value and advocate for your interests with confidence and professionalism. Think of yourself in the third person and be their advocate.
Coral Rose Fairway Foodservice leadership