Retail giant aims to add to numbers by showcasing its offer to independents
Retail giant aims to add to numbers by showcasing its offer to independents
Rises account for period to June 2020 – including the initial impact of Covid-19 on business
New structure announced for field-based operations team, bringing together the convenience, franchise, company owned and new business functions
Reshuffle sees Mike Hollis and Kenton Burchell take new roles in the business
Cash and carry business steps up its fight on Covid-19 to keep teams safe
Bestway Managing Director sees plenty of opportunities as nation re-emerges from third lockdown
Convenience supermarket chain purchased by cash-and-carry-giant
Food and drink wholesalers are among the businesses that will be hardest hit by a higher price for personal protective equipment
Wholesalers putting HMRC under pressure to reassess allocation of cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco during the purchasing restrictions
Following two years in the position, Andy Cresswell will be leaving Bestway Retail at the end of January 2021